Final Project: Proposal Summary


Final Project: Proposal Summary

Thanks to my previous project on fashion photography, I learned that I really enjoy working with, and capturing, the human body.  There is something about the way humans are able to move, fold, bend, and flex that is quite alluring. As cliche as it sounds, the only subject I will use in my photographs is that of the human body.

The idea for my final project blossoms out of my curiosity for wrinkles and folds.  I will be photographing a model (or models) using my DSLR Canon Camera in black and white.  Emphasis will be on particular parts of the body (i.e. foot, hand, shoulder blade, neck, etc.) rather than images encompassing the body as a whole.  In order to better define muscle or crevices, baby oil will be used on the area of the body captured to sharpen detail. The use of external imaging alterations, like Photoshop, will be scarce to none.  I want to capture as much reality of the human body and it’s imperfections as I possibly can.

Single-source lighting will be used for all of my photographs, utilizing different light sources (both natural and artificial light) for different photos.  My final project will consist of a portfolio of 10-20 inkjet prints.

I will be researching and referring to Howard Schatz’s photography concerning the human body.  His photographs are absolutely amazing. They teeter between abstract and realistic imagery while emphasizing texture and depth. I will attempt to incorporate his techniques into my final images.

My timeline is detailed in the power-point attached.

Howard Schatz Photography:


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